Backend developer with nearly 10 years of experience. Co‑author of many open‑source projects, including Perl 6. Programming teacher.
His professional experience includes working at Opera Software ASA – the developer of the Opera web browser, where he worked on projects such as Opera Sync and MyOpera. Developer of the Pod parser for Perl 6/Raku and several popular modules: rakudobrew, panda and Config::INI. BSc in Computer Science from the Warsaw University of Technology. Speaker at the following conferences: PerlCon, YAPC::Europe, OSEC Forum. Polish Perl Workshop organizer. Teaches training courses on Python for large enterprises. In his everyday work, he programs in such languages as Perl, Python and Rust.
At Centuran Consulting, Tadeusz works on internal projects, including ((OTRS)) Community Edition installation and configuration automation tools and OTRS‑as‑a‑service – a cloud‑based version of OTRS utilizing web services. In addition, he designs, plans and consults on backend‑related matters.