Secure OTRS in 5 steps: Expert Opinion & a Ready-To-Use Checklist

Olga Muzyczuk and Wojciech Siewierski

Who should look after the security of OTRS instances and other open‑source applications? What are the possible consequences of a security breach? What are recommended countermeasures to protect against them? Wojciech Siewierski—a cybersecurity expert, Senior Perl Developer and IT administrator at Centuran Consulting—will discuss all of these topics.

How to manage emails: 8 effective methods for you and your team

Olga Muzyczuk

Our email-related habits do not make our work easier. Common bad practices include overusing the CC: field, excessive use of folders to organize messages and instantly checking every new notification. Using counterproductive solutions is costly as it consumes time you could spend on more important tasks and breeds frustration.
Here is how you can avoid drowning in the emails flooding your team’s inbox.